I AM sick to death of cyclists getting crucified in your letters column – totally fed up – we are not the ones leaving a carbon footprint!

Yes, there are a few rogues who jump lights and mount pavements – but not me.

I was happily cycling along George Street – yes the road — where I was supposed to be – tucked in to the kerb with the potholes.

There was a group of pedestrians on the path – where they were supposed to be.

Then, without warning or even the idiot looking, a walker stepped into the road in front of me (cycling legally)! He of course was plugged into an iPod or phone or whatever.

Could I have swerved?

Maybe, but with a split second choice and a car behind me (which I could hear as I was not plugged in) I had no time to brake as idiot pedestrian just literally stepped to the road.

So he had my front wheel up his legs and butt. Ha! Ten points cyclist, nil point pedestrian-idiot boy.

I hope tonight, when idiot pedestrian is nursing his bruises, he contemplates what an idiot he was.

And I would like to thank the black Ford Focus driver behind me who stopped – though he did go rushing to the aid of the idiot pedestrian and not me who was cycling where I should be – not plugged in, with a bell.

FRANKIE GEORGE, Iffley Road, Oxford