RESIDENTS have welcomed plans to build 42 affordable homes on a disused allotment site in Oxford.

About 150 people attended two public exhibitions on the proposal from Oxford City Council to build the one- to four- bedroom properties at East Minchery Farm, in Littlemore.

Visitors to Falcon Close, in Blackbird Leys, on Friday and Littlemore Community Centre, in Giles Road, on Saturday, viewed plans and a model of the development.

Littlemore resident Julie Doran, 67, went to the exhibition with her sister and fellow Littlemore resident Barbara Franklin, 62.

Ms Doran said: “We both thought what a good way of using disused land to build housing in the village, which is obviously in short supply at the moment.”

Andy Williamson, 28, from community garden group OxGrow, said: “I think it's really exciting what they are planning. I came away thinking I would love to live there.”