THERE are severe hold-ups for traffic on Oxford's Botley Road due to more work being carried out at its junction with Ferry Hinksey Road.

Reports are of traffic queueing back west along the Botley Road to the A34 sliproad and up to West Way junction with Eynsham Road.

It is taking motorists at least half an hour to travel from Seacourt to Ferry Hinksey.

Oxford Bus Company says it has been told the work is scheduled to last until Friday and it is understood it is work on a gas main.

It is the fifth time in five months Botley Road has been badly affected by utility works or traffic light failures.

In the first week of April similar tailbacks were caused when Southern Electric had to fix a power cable.

The traffic lights at the junction with Botley Road failed twice in two months, while a burst water main in December saw the road shut.

There are reports Abingdon Road is closed at its junction with Western Road for roadworks but these are incorrect.