DRUG dogs will become a familiar sight near the pubs and clubs of Oxford city centre.

Police say they are to step up night-time economy operations over the summer months. Crime figures for Oxford yesterday revealed an increase in drug dealing and drug possession.

Targeting dealers and disrupting the flow of narcotics into the city has become a top priority.

Local Police Area Commander Supt Bunt said making the city a safer place for residents to enjoy their evenings meant cutting out all types of drug crime, including lower-level dealing, and specifically, drug use which fuels anti-social behaviour.

He said: “We work with licensees in Oxford and they are happy to have us.

“Anyone out at the weekend is likely to see the dogs and handlers walking through the city, going in and out of venues.

“Oxford is an area where the population changes each year with the huge influx of students and we must make sure it remains a safe place to go out at night.

“We’ll be increasing patrols, adding more sniffer dogs and generally being more visible.”

In March police carried out two-night Operation Badge to clamp down on anti-social behaviour, during which 18 people were arrested for a variety of offences from drug dealing to begging and assault. He said similar operations would take place.