RAPE, serious sexual offences and drug crime have all risen in Oxford despite an overall drop in crime, it was revealed last night.

Police hailed the city’s annual crime figures which also show big reductions in burglary, violent crime and the total number of offences recorded.

There were 51 recorded rapes in 2012/13, almost one a week, compared to 41 in 2011/12 – a rise of 24.4 per cent.

There was a 1.7 per cent total rise in sexual offences – from 173 to 176.

Campaigners said they did not feel Oxford was unsafe for women, but claimed a greater nationwide awareness was behind an increase in calls to police.

Drug possession offences rose 4.1 per cent from 806 to 839, and drug dealing offences rose 20.7 per cent from 82 to 99.

The number of thefts from vehicles also increased by 6.9 per cent, from 727 to 777.

Sexual violence charities said the rise in sexual offences was due to greater awareness and increasing bravery of women coming forward.

Clare Cochrane from Oxford women’s group Reclaim the Night said: “The number of rapes committed is still very high and the reported numbers are just the tip of the iceberg. “But there has been an increase nationally of the reporting of rape and sexual violence, not just from women but from men and children too.

“It’s through the good work of campaigners that it is kept in the public eye, but we must make sure that when things like the Jimmy Savile case slip out of the limelight our cause does not.”

The total number of recorded crimes fell from 17,369 to 15, 686, an overall drop of 9.7 per cent.

Following a huge increase in burglaries last year, up one third from 639 in 2010/11 to 846 in 2011/12, the number of incidents has now fallen to 644, a drop of 23.9 per cent.

The total number of violent crimes against individuals dropped 13.7 per cent, from 1,809 to 1,561.

Oxford Local Policing Area Commander Supt Christian Bunt said: “More and more people are reporting sexual crimes. “Nationwide and locally, we are seeing the impact of this and it is bearing out in the numbers.

“The overall drop in crime of 9.7 per cent is a significant fall – pleasing – but we have to make sure there isn’t a bounce and we keep on top of things.

“There are particularly strong reductions in burglary compared to last year and it has been something we have targeted.

“There has been an increase in non-victim drug crime which comes down to the work we have been doing to target dealers. “We have specifically set up teams to target criminals and dealers and disrupt those areas of crime.

“In terms of vehicle crime we are constantly telling residents that they can better protect themselves by locking cars.”

He added: “There has to be an element of personal responsibility.”


Crime statistics for each police area. Source: Thames Valley Police
Cherwell crime 2012-13.pdf
Oxford crime 2012-13.pdf
South and Vale crime 2012-13.pdf
West Oxon crime 2012-13.pdf