It’s a bit unfair, and perhaps ‘elitist’, of Marilyn Smith to excuse a report of swearing by Oxford cox Oskar Zorilla (ViewPoints, April 26) – who obviously knew he was “wired for sound” during this year’s University Boat Race – and then attempt to heap scorn upon the “people’s game”, association football, as some sort of mitigation.

Pitch invasions at football matches are now very rare indeed and as proved last year, rather more difficult and even more stupid when attempted during a boat race.It is the participants who chose to use offensive, insulting or abusive language or behave stupidly who are at fault, not the sport.

May I, however, belatedly congratulate the officers and men of our fantastic Royal Marines Commando and the Metropolitan Police for both safely policing and protecting the public at large along the banks of the River Thames and preventing any repetition of last year’s disgraceful hooligan scenes that totally ruined a worldwide TV broadcast sporting event – and of course, both Oxford and Cambridge Universities for once again getting into the final.

DAVID WILLIAMS David Walter Close Oxford