IN REPLY to Betty Woodley’s letter (ViewPoints, April 26), I would like to point out that we now live in a multicultural society, regardless of whether she likes it or not.

There are issues regarding immigration, however, that don’t deflect from the fact that our city councillors are making big errors of judgement that will be with us for many a year.

With regards to the ‘City Council Circus’ I would like to ask whether she has ever attended any meetings.

My wife attended the last city council meeting and was appalled by the lemmings of one political party who would all put their hands up regardless of what the vote was about in agreement.

No one seemed to have an individual opinion on anything within their party.

Is that right?

We all have our own opinions on matters as you have expressed in your letter, so why not within the ‘City Chamber’?

I have always had the belief that party politics within ‘City Hall’ should be ignored, to bring in people who have their own individual views and that of their constituents.

Roy Darke would have people believe that there would be squabbling within ‘City Hall’.

Yes, that’s right Roy. It’s called democracy, not follow the leader.

People would be allowed to have their own opinions.

Betty says in her letter about councillors being trained and she is quite right for the party faithful.

Tightrope walking (towing the party line), juggling (avoiding the issues), lion-taming (keeping individuals in check).

STEVEN BENNETT Marston Road Marston Oxford