A YOUNG teenage girl who regularly took enough drugs to "floor a grown man" cannot be relied upon, a jury was told at the Old Bailey this afternoon.

A defence barrister told the Oxford child sex exploitation trial the alleged victim known as Girl 5 took so many drugs it had "clouded" her memory.

Grahame James, defending Bilal Ahmed who denies having sex with her when she was 14, questioned why there were no details of the allegation including a time or a date.

Ahmed is one of nine men to deny involvement in a child sex ring in Oxford.

His barrister said Girl 5 had often taken enough drugs "to perhaps floor a grown man".

He said: "Mix that with the fact that she accepts herself that she had sexual encounters with lots of Asian men. You get a dangerous place where there is a clouded memory of what she has been up to in the last year or two."

He said to the jury: "Can you rely on her memory alone? Her memory?"

Judge Peter Rook will begin summing up the trial tomorrow morning.

All defendants deny all charges. The trial continues.