PLANS for a new park-and-ride to help tackle congestion problems in Bicester have moved a step closer.

Oxfordshire County Council submitted a ‘screening opinion’ for a 500-space park-and-ride off the A41 Oxford Road to Cherwell District Council.

The move is the first step in the planning process where an applicant is advised on whether the site needs an environmental impact assessment, before planning permission can be granted.

The county council said it was too early to say when a full planning application would be submitted, how long building work would take or when the park and ride could be open.

Buses from the new park and ride will run between Bicester and Oxford and to and from the Bicester Village designer outlet shopping complex.

For years there have been congestion problems on the A41 between the M40 and Pingle Drive at peak times.

For the past two Boxing Days Bicester ground to a halt as thousands of shoppers went to designer shopping outlet Bicester Village, in Pingle Drive.

The park-and-ride is part of a package of £11m in road improvements measures planned for the area.

The move comes after planning permission was granted in January for a multi-million pound expansion of Bicester Village, a new Tesco supermarket to replace the existing one in Pingle Drive, and a new business park, £11m of road improvements will be made in Oxford Road, the A41 and Pingle Drive area.

James Porter, Conservative party leader at Bicester Town Council, said: “Any process that helps to manage congestion and the traffic situation at particular times in Bicester is something we have to look at very seriously.”

Bicester’s mayor Dan Sames added: “I think it is a very good idea that will contribute to alleviating congestion in Bicester.

“I think any visitor to Bicester can make use of it. I’ve used park-and ride facilities in other towns for years and it makes sense to have one in Bicester.”

Council spokesman Marcus Mabberley said: “It is difficult to say at present when an application would be submitted. The screening opinion is the first step in the overall process.”

The county council took ownership of the land, on the new Kingsmere estate, off the A41, last April, and was seeking funding.

Legal agreements are still being thrashed out before Cherwell District Council can issue final planning approval.

Bicester Village is considering helping to fund the new park-and-ride, and hopes to use it to provide extra parking for the shopping centre at weekends and bank holidays.

The county council has also had talks with Stagecoach and hopes to get Government grants for the project.