CELLIST Rebecca White, 11, seen in the picture immediately below, was among those who took part in a series of concerts given by the Wallingford Area Primary Music Festival Group in 1990. Nearly 100 singers and musicians from various schools entertained parents and friends.

A plastic doll played an important role in teaching and demonstrating resuscitation techniques. It was a gift from Goring and Woodcote Lions Club to St John Ambulance for attending its fun runs. St John nursing officer Connie Tappern, left in the middle picture, shows the doll to cadet leader Leisa Crick.

The friendship between our Wallingford and Wallingford, Connecticut, was strengthened in 1987 when Jess Mills, left in the bottom picture, presented a framed greeting and other gifts to mayor Bill Revel to mark the US town’s 300th anniversary.