I READ with interest your article on the man who said his dog producing puppies had helped him to stop drinking alcohol bcause of his responsibility towards his dog and the puppies.

He also thanked the Dogs’ Trust for helping him financially.

While I admire his stopping drinking alcohol in order to look after the puppies, I have to question why he did not have the dog spayed in the first place.

The Dogs’ Trust offers this to most dog owners if they qualify for their help.

I assume now, that the Dogs’ Trust has puppies on its hands for which to find homes.

This could have been avoided if the gentleman’s dog had been spayed.

I see many people on the streets begging with the aid of their dog to invoke sympathy to ‘give’.

Often they have puppies along with them. I wonder if it is about time that in certain circumstances should they not be made to have their dogs spayed?

Rescue homes are overflowing with unwanted dogs and puppies and in these times of austerity many have to be put down. It is a myth that female dogs should have one litter of puppies before being spayed and I think it is time there was a law to make owners act responsibly by having female dogs spayed unless there is a really genuine reason for doing otherwise.

I think it would put a stop to so many unwanted dogs and puppies having to be cared for by charities.

PAMELA WEBBER, (owner of a female dog which has been spayed), Bullingdon Road, Oxford