THE recent report on the Wheatley Secondary School reunion while very good has spelled our school’s former music teacher’s name wrong – it is Mr Jeffery Babb not Bubb.

The reunion was a very good event, brilliantly organised by Sandra Clements (née Nixey), Sue Ilbery (Wood) and Alan Booker. Much of the interest in holding the event had been generated by the letters from Mr Babb, published through the Memory Lane pages over the years.

It helped bring us all together to celebrate his teaching which had inspired so many of us over the years.

I believe that all of us present will agree that he is a truly remarkable man who, even at 87, seems as energetic as ever. His life has been full of musical achievements.

He was the first General Secretary, National Association of Youth Orchestras and served nearly 20 years on the UK Council for Music Education. In 1996 he was awarded the Order of Merit by the Federal Republic of Germany for work in the field of Youth Music Making between the two countries.

Thanks to your columns, we have been able to renew our contact with so many of our old school friends.

We all had so many faces to recognise, memories to chat about, and contact numbers to exchange.

I am sure that most, like us, are still talking about it.

CAROL and JOHN FRAY (1955–59), London Road, Wheatley