IT began as a modest attempt to help people who are sick get back on their feet.

And now 10 years on Abingdon Health Walks is assisting about 200 people to get moving.

The walkers can be spotted every Monday and Wednesday near Audlett Drive Leisure Centre in Abingdon. Now, consisting entirely of volunteers, the group is celebrating a decade with a new walk from the town centre.

Walks co-ordinator Viv Boorman said: “It started about 10 years ago with the help of the Primary Care Trust but it couldn’t continue so I took it on. It was something I wanted to do in my retirement, the health benefits are endless.

“It was one day a week which soon expanded to two days a week, then there were more sessions, and now there are three walks every Monday and Wednesday.

“We’ve been quietly amassing members for some time, and how have 23 volunteer leaders and more than 200 members.”

As well as the health benefits, Mrs Boorman said the social side is very rewarding for members. She said: “Last week we took 60 people out for the day on a bus, and we have picnics and other things planned.

“Anyone who has been near the leisure centre will have seen us walking about.

“It’s something for those who can’t walk alone, if they have been ill, or had ill health, or want to keep active.”

She says that MacMillan Cancer Support is now involved in recommending cancer patients to the walks because of potential health benefits. The new walk is a gentle stroll, lasting between five to 30 minutes depending on individual needs, and is intended as a first steps walk for those beginning to exercise, either for the first time, or recovering from an illness, or as part of a preventative programme.

It will start in the town centre and take members around the Abbey grounds, which has lots of resting places if required.

Abingdon Health walks meet every Monday and Wednesday at Audlett Drive Leisure Centre with three walks all starting at 10.30am. Each takes about an hour.

For more information contact Viv Boorman on 01235 531769, or visit