DANCERS and actors at Oxford’s Pegasus Theatre are launching a £100,000 ‘Double our Money’ fund-raising campaign.

Money raised through the campaign will attract funding from Arts Council England, up to a possible total of £80,000.

The Oxford Playhouse in Beaumont Street and Modern Art Oxford in Pembroke Street are also fundraising through the Arts Council initiative.

The first event for the Pegasus campaign urges theatre-goers to join the 5k Oxford Fun Run on Saturday, May 11. Pegasus is hoping to get 30 runners and walkers taking part in the event, organised by the Rotary Club of Oxford in the University Parks.

Wallingford School student Ellie Lovett, who performs at the theatre in Magdalen Road, East Oxford, is helping launch the Pegasus campaign.

The 11-year-old from Benson said: “I really like dancing and acting and singing – I like all the different types of performing.

“It’s the way you can express yourself in so many different ways without having to talk.”

She added: “Going to Pegasus is one of my favourite things to do.”

Ellis said she was hoped to raise funds for the theatre at the Oxford Fun Run.

Pegasus development director Bel Crewe said: “We are trying to get everyone together for the Oxford Fun Run.

“The money will be spent producing and putting on lovely shows the community can come and see.

“We have targets over the next few years we really have to meet.

“It is such a good opportunity.”

Pegasus chief executive Euton Daley added: “We can extend our reach, share the high-quality work we create further, and bring an enormously valuable contribution to the rich Oxfordshire culture.

“Through this fundraising initiative we can produce more stimulating, eye-opening, spine-tingling work for our local community and hopefully far beyond.

“Neighbours, families, schools and businesses can be involved by coming together and taking part in activities while raising funds for brand-new shows for children, families and young people.”

Pegasus is aiming to raise £20,000 before October as part of the campaign.