Sir – West Oxfordshire district councillors are being pressurised by the Government to find suitable sites for new housing in West Oxfordshire.

Some appear to be of the view that the “least worst” option for new housing in Carterton is to the east, right next to the airfield at RAF Brize Norton, looking on to the hangars and the barbed wire fences around the new medical facility.

Recently, night-time aircraft noise has become intolerable for local residents. I was woken at 3.37am on April 15 and kept awake for two-and-a-half hours by a succession of aircraft preparing for take-off. Unfortunately, such disturbance has become an all-too-common occurrence.

Future residents of the proposed site will be in for many sleepless nights if houses are permitted to be built there. It certainly won’t be the “least worst” option for them.

Would readers like to see their own children buy property there? Surely we owe it to the next generation of home-owners to provide housing in an area which would be pleasant to live in?
M. French (Ms), Brize Norton