Sir – In his letter All in it together (April 4), your correspondent in criticising the Carterton East development proposal fails to point out that the new housing would be no closer to RAF Brize Norton than much of the existing housing in Brize Norton village, or some of that already in Carterton itself.

As for the alternative ‘eco-friendly’ local sites, if Mr Beckingham, like many of the residents of Brize Norton village, means the 1,000-home Carterton West proposal, then he is mistaken.

This proposal would cut across the Shilbrook Valley, a biodiversity conservation target area (CTA) and into unspoilt open countryside. It would also have the potential for serious flooding risk and to cause major transport issues for Carterton and local villages. I am afraid that of the two proposals, Carterton East offers the best solution to the development needs of the area.

Paul Hughes, Carterton