Sir – Beware all motorists parking in Oxfordshire. The rates have gone up and the council is merciless.
Having parked at Redbridge and duly paid my parking fees, as I have for many years now, I was surprised to find a parking ticket on my car when I collected it.

Surely a mistake I felt, reassured when I found my parking receipt which confirmed the times and that I had paid. The receptionist was sympathetic when I phoned the town hall, and I duly appealed in writing — with the appropriate apology for not having noticed that the rates had been increased from £1.50 to £2 per day.

Two days later, my appeal was rejected, flat — in the most officious, unsympathetic, petty bureaucratic letter I have ever received.

Could I suggest that the council show a little more understanding when they change their charging rates. That they make it clear to their faithful, regular, well-intentioned parkers with clear notices (not just changing the wording on the big blue boards, which regulars do not read every day) and that they show some empathy to the parker who has obviously paid rather than an instant fine.
Hoping for better service.

Brian Woolnough, Abingdon