SCHOOLCHILDREN were amazed to see a display by the RAF Falcons parachute team over their playing field.

The parachutists dropped in at Bampton Primary School yesterday to support the school’s appeal to raise £50,000 for a new classroom.

Pupil Luke Akroyd said: “I thought it was extraordinary and it really inspired me. I want to do that when I’m older.”

Luke’s mum Penny Fowler, from Bampton, said: “It was fantastic that the RAF Falcons came along to support the fundraising project.

“This extra classroom will make a massive difference to the children of Bampton.”

Pupil Lily Deegan, 11, who saluted the parachutists with Alejandro Blaydon-Santovety, said: “I found it really exciting and they were all very friendly.”

Alejandro, 11, added: “I was very proud to take the soldiers’ salute and I really enjoyed watching them jump. I was amazed at how accurate they were, especially when they flew over our heads.”

Headteacher Carol Phillips said: “It was very dramatic. They landed on the field and the children thought it was wonderful.”

The school, in Bowling Green Close, is taking an increasing number of pupils and the extra space provided by a new classroom will mean year groups can be taught separately and not in mixed classes.