A COUPLE hit by a car during a romantic break in Bruges have revealed how they are struggling with the devastating impact of their injuries.

Simon Huxtable and Deborah Dale were enjoying a New Year’s Day walk in the Belgian city when they were crushed against a wall by a passing Mercedes.

The couple arrived back at their Wadards Meadow home in Witney on March 20 – only after Miss Dale was fit enough to travel.

Miss Dale was then admitted to the John Radcliffe Hospital until three weeks ago. She is still an out-patient.

Speaking for the first time since the incident, Mr Huxtable, 44, said: “When the car drove us into the wall I managed to get one leg out of the way but Debs was rolled along the wall.”

The Cogges Scout Group leader suffered multiple compound fractures to his left leg and spent three weeks in hospital in Bruges.

Miss Dale, 34, was seriously injured in both legs. She spent five days in an induced coma and a further three weeks in intensive care.

Mr Huxtable is hoping to return to work in June or July, but said the road to recovery had been difficult.

He said: “There was a lot of rehabilitation and getting used to the pain and getting the painkillers right.”

Miss Dale, a supervisor at Leafield Pre-School, faces a longer battle. It could be at least a year before she is able to return to work.

She still needs a wheelchair and zimmer frame to get around and her left leg remains in an external metal frame with pins.

Mr Huxtable said the couple had struggled to come to terms with the fact they would no longer be able to take part in some of their favourite activities, including hill walking.

He said: “You come home and you realise what you can’t do anymore. Simple things like not being able to push Debs in a wheelchair. I feel so useless.

“I’ve been a keen tennis player and cricketer since I was young and I can’t do those things at the moment.”

A fundraising event of live music, buffet and raffle at West Witney Sports and Social Club is at 7.30pm tonight to raise money for the couple.

Mr Huxtable said: “People have been fantastic. It really does make a difference.”

  • Tickets for the event are £10 and are available from Simon Barker on 07977 530112 or from the Witney Sports and Social Club Bar on 01993 702417.
  • The driver of the Mercedes was initially banned from driving for 15 days. The case is still with the Belgian authorities and a magistrate will decide if further charges are brought.