A CONSULTATION on reinstating abdominal surgery at Oxfordshire’s second general hospital has been delayed.

Surgery was suspended at Banbury’s Horton General Hospital in January because managers said it did not have enough consultants.

The body responsible for county NHS spending since April 1 needs to assess its spending priorities first, said its medical director.

Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group’s Dr Mary Keenan said: “Any consultation on changes to the Horton General Hospital will take place following the development of this strategy. “Patient safety is paramount to us. We have therefore agreed that while this work is progressed, the suspension of emergency abdominal surgery should remain in place.”

Patients can have procedures for hernias and appendicitis at Oxford’s John Radcliffe Hospital.

Former Horton physician and Keep the Horton General campaign member Dr Peter Fisher criticised the plans. He said: “There is a growing dossier of stories from patients who have had very traumatic experiences both on the journey and on arrival in Oxford where it appears the service has been overwhelmed by the additional workload.”