OH, what a circus! Steve Bennett should leave the city council people to do their jobs.

I’m quite sure they would not be working in the council if they did not know how.

Most people know the trouble with the housing shortage and that money goes to all the immigrants coming to England.

Until that process stops nothing anyone does will make this much better. So, we don’t want clowns thinking they know better than those who work for the council.

These people are trained to do their jobs.

However, the others could always say the immigrants could bring tents and money and put them up in others’ gardens, and at the same time find them jobs so there would be more housing left over for us – that would save lots of money.

It will also save OAPs getting picked on who have worked hard all their life and paid into the community and country in which they live.

BETTY WOODLEY, Lambourn Road, Rose Hill