I FEEL the electorate of Oxford should experience at least one full council meeting before they award anyone their vote.

I attended the Oxford City Council meeting at the Town Hall on Monday, in the council chamber.

The Green Party and the Liberal Democrats attempted to restore the council’s accountability to its constituents by proposing to reverse previous rulings which have led to the current problems regarding democracy. However, the mere mention of a return to democracy was arrogantly dismissed due to majority rule and block vote of one political party.

The evening deteriorated further. Increasing measures were passed that increase power and control. Dropping from two working groups to create one elite decision-making group – the magnificent 12.

This action provides evidence that most councillors are not open and able to listen.

They are happy to take a powerful position then erode democracy – disengaging and not working for the people they claim to care for. Bear in mind that many city councillors who regard citizens as having little importance are intending to secure a county council position.

The councillors will probably be in a win-win situation. If people don’t vote they can squeeze in by adopting manipulative central party marketing campaigns – promises not intending to deliver.

A positive from dual councillorship would be to re-site all meetings to County Hall, freeing up the town hall for student accommodation or perhaps to house a swimming pool.

ELAINE BENNETT, Marston Road Oxford