STUDENT Lydia Williamson has been crowned 2013 Miss Oxfordshire.

The 22-year-old, who is studying Religion, Theology and International Relations at Oxford Brookes University, took the title at a ceremony at Witney Lakes Resort.

As well as winning the overall crown, Miss Williamson also triumphed in the eco outfit and charity rounds.

For the eco round, which required contestants to have an outfit from recycled materials, Lenie Boya made a dress from old CDs, plastic table cloths and old wire.

For the charity round she raised £347.93 from a vintage tea party with friends and family.

The money will go to the charity Beauty with a Purpose.

Miss Williamson, who will compete in the Miss England finals in her native Devon in June, said she was thrilled to win her first beauty title after several previous attempts.

She said: “The event was really relaxed and everyone was really friendly but it was quite tiring. I’ve never made it to the finals before so it’s really exciting.”