A FAMILY are scared vandals might strike again after their cars were smashed up twice in a Witney street.

Single mum-of-four Sharon Turner said she is “devastated” after the attacks on Monday, following a similar incident on March 14 in Crawley Road.

Ms Turner and her 18-year-old daughter Jemma Dudley woke up to find the windows of both their cars smashed. The first time, a boulder and bricks had been used on the family’s people carrier and Peugeot 206.

The 44-year-old support worker said: “The first time I could comfort them and say it happens, it is just vandals. But I had only just got my youngest son Tom, 10, back sleeping in his own room when it happened again.

“I had assured him it was just a one-off incident, but his room is on the ground level so he is terrified again. I am devastated to be in this position yet again.

“All of them have been pretty shaken. My second daughter has been texting me asking ‘why would someone do this?’.

“You try to think what could have happened, but I just don’t know. I can’t think of any enemies I might have.”

Ms Turner’s dad and the children’s grandad, Robert Turner, said: “I am worried. The little one is crying all the time – they are shaking in their beds.

“The other cars on the road are untouched as far as we can see.”

Police spokesman Craig Evry said no arrests had been made, but added: “There will be high-visibility patrols in the area.”