PEOPLE will have their own opinions on Mrs Thatcher but why does history get so distorted?

Could it be the media plays a role, as in a recent heated discussion I had regards the killing of Jean Charles De Menezes in London in 2005.

The argument that Jean Charles ran from police was untrue, that he jumped the ticket barrier untrue and so a myth was born along with other untruths and the seeds set as the media distorted the facts, believed by so many.

Then we have a ViewPoints letter stating: “Thatcher took on the communists unions”, as if the nasty commies were holding the country to ransom, not true.

Her policy was an ideological one of destroying working class areas.

Yes, there were agitators in unions but they were a minority.

My late father was night shift conveyor and a big union man at the Press Steel for many years.

His job was to see fair play on both sides and I remember him telling me of the numerous disputes he settled on both sides, as was his job.

So why can’t people accept that unions did some good with decent wages, paid holidays, less hours worked and better working conditions. Another Tory ideology is to see unions totally destroyed, something the media supports.

The corporate media portray Thatcher as a great prime minister, not one that destroyed jobs, communities and whole areas, or a PM who won a war, failing to tell us the sole intention was to boost flagging opinion polls and get re-elected.

Any Thatcher policy can be easily countered with facts but don’t count on the media to show them. To celebrate her death was a mistake I believe, the death of Thatcherism though, now that I will celebrate.

TIM W SIRET, Millmoor Crescent, Eynsham