MANY of your readers may be unaware that the council has passed a plan to develop housing on the depot site in Bury Knowle Park, Headington.

The Friends of Bury Knowle Park have spoken against the plan.

We have pointed out the danger to park visitors that could occur with the homes access road running in the park and adjacent to the Sensory Garden.

This is a single track path which will necessitate passing places to be incorporated along the grass edge.

Although these houses are deemed to be car-free, residents of Headington have experienced other developments that had planning permission with this proviso that have not worked correctly.

The residents of this development will have visitors, along with on-line shopping deliveries, plus postal and utility vans all using this single track 24/7 inside the park area.

It is proposed to lock a set of gates to stop night-time entry of vehicles but most people are in the park in daylight hours, so this gives no protection from the high risk of contact with vehicles for park users.

If this development goes ahead it will mean park visitors will have to be very traffic-aware at a time and place where they should be able to relax and enjoy the surroundings without the stresses of urban living.

It is important that the city councillors realise the hazards this development will cause to a well-loved community asset before they reassess this application at a forthcoming Planning Review Committee (date to be announced).

JILL CUMMINGS, Vice Chair, Friends of Bury Knowle Park