GOVERNORS of an Oxfordshire primary school have been praised as the “driving force” behind improvements. Ofsted has rated Fritwell Primary School, near Bicester, as “good” following its latest check.

Inspectors visited last month and were happy with the school across the board – pupil achievement, teaching, leadership and management, and behaviour and safety were all rated good. They also recognised the efforts the governors had put in to encourage improvements. In the last inspection in 2010 the facility was deemed satisfactory.

Headteacher Joanne Daly said that the 175-pupil school was expected to grow.

She said: “We are very proud and pleased with the outcome, and the recognition that we ‘expect only the best for the pupils’.

“We have successfully improved teaching and pupils’ achievement since the last inspection.

“Our pupils were acknowledged in the report as being ‘confident and articulate young people who show good respect for others’.

“The report also talks about standards and identifies that pupils make good progress over time in the school.”

Inspectors said nearly all pupils reach the levels of attainment expected for their age and many achieve higher levels by the end of Year 6.