A YOUTH group struggling to attract new recruits is hoping to boost its numbers.

Blackbird Leys Army Cadets, based in Sandy Lane West, Littlemore, run a range of challenges for 12 to 18-year-olds, including map reading, tactical fieldcraft, drill and first aid.

But the detachment, which has been running for more than 40 years, only has 18 members despite having the capacity for 40.

Commander Richard Wilkins, of Littlemore, joined the cadets as a 12-year-old and, 20 years on, is now running the unit.

He said: “The army cadet force is a fantastic organisation and Blackbird Leys detachment offers great training to around 18 teenagers. We now need to recruit more cadets, to ensure the detachment continues to thrive.

“I honestly cannot tell you why the numbers are low.

“The Oxford Academy has its own unit – I don’t know if that has anything to do with it.”

He said the detachment was not at risk of closure but that it would become increasingly difficult to keep it viable. He added: “Any unit whose attendance becomes very low is subject to review, but it would not close just because of a temporary drop in numbers.

“There is not a minimum, but the less there are, the more difficult it is to keep it viable. Ideally there should be 10 or more.”

Harry Pudwell, 16, joined when he was 13 and is now the detachment’s senior cadet and involved in the training programme.

Harry said: “I would urge other teenagers to join and share the experience. It is fun and a place to make plenty of friends too.”

Mr Wilkins, who has run the unit for five years, said: “For me it is about giving the cadets something to look forward to every week. We are surrounded by terrific opportunities and are here to offer a safe environment that keeps these youngsters off the streets. “The army cadet organisation has changed countless lives and this is what drives me and other volunteers forward.”

There are just under 600 cadets at 24 army cadet detachments in Oxfordshire, with 100 adult instructors.

The Army Cadet Force offers qualifications from the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme and BTEC and also gives the opportunity for young people to learn to play musical instruments.

Anyone aged 12 to 18 can join the unit, which meets once a week on Thursday from 7.30pm-9.30pm at the army cadet building in Sandy Lane West.

New members are welcome.

For more information email blackbirdleys.detachment@gmail.com or call 01869 259681.


Air Unit Flies

  • Cowley air cadet squadron has more than tripled its numbers since February.
  • The Oxford Mail reported that the group, which has served the district since 1941, had dropped from 30 cadets to just four.
  • But Squadron Leader Nigel Furlong said it now has 13 members and hopes to continue increasing.
  • It’s due in part to a donation from Blackbird Leys Parish Council of just under £900 for a new flight simulator at its facility in Sandy Lane West, Littlemore.
  • Mr Furlong added: “We have also been getting out in the community to remind people we are here and talking to children. The article in the Mail was also very helpful.”