TWO women who accused the same man of sex abuse were both “making stories up”, the Old Bailey heard yesterday.

Mohammed Karrar, 38, is accused of arranging for one girl to be raped for money and is charged with raping and prostituting another from the age of 11.

He is one of nine men who deny involvement in a child sex ring in Oxford.

Karrar’s barrister Tracy Ayling, making her closing speech in the 15th week of the trial, told the jury there were questions over the evidence given by his alleged victims known as Girl 3 and 4.

She said there were “inconsistencies” in Girl 3’s evidence, and she asked why she had not told police about Karrar’s alleged abuse when she had reported rapes to police in 2005 and 2009.

And referring to Girl 4, the defence lawyer doubted her claim she was first raped by Karrar when she was aged 11.

She said to the jury: “When you consider the physicality and the brutality of that allegation, I want you to consider three things. She would not have returned to Mohammed Karrar every other night, as she suggested, she would have reported it, and she would not have forgotten it. It would have been etched on her mind.”

The barrister added: “When you look at all the evidence, the claimants have indeed made these stories up.”

Karrar, of Kames Close, Cowley, claims he only met Girl 4 twice and never touched her. He denies abusing Girl 3 too.

Mark George, defending married 32-year-old Assad Hussain, finished his closing speech yesterday morning.

He said his client, of Ashhurst Way in Rose Hill, did not know Girl 5 was under 16 when he had sex with her in 2011.

And holding up a photograph of the girl aged 14, he said to the jury: “This is the crux of the case. We invite you to say that you cannot, hand on heart, say it is absurd to suggest this young lady looks over 16.”

The lawyer also said Girl 5 had answered “I cannot remember” to questions on 18 occasions while in the witness box.

He said: “You have got to ask whether she was a consistent witness, an accurate witness, and whether you could rely on her.

“I do not mean to be rude, but she was a hopeless witness.”

The day ended with Mark Milliken-Smith, representing 33-year-old Bassam Karrar, beginning his closing speech.

Mohammed Karrar’s young-er brother is charged with abusing Girl 4 and raping, beating, and choking Girl 3 when she was 14.

But Mr Milliken-Smith told the jury a police doctor, who examined the teen the day after the alleged rape, found no visible injuries on her head and body and said there was no evidence she had been choked.

The barrister said: “The absence of injuries, given the allegations she makes, are at the least remarkable if she has told the truth.”

He also suggested Girl 3, who was “regularly going missing”, made up the allegation to avoid getting into trouble with police.

The trial continues.


  • Kamar Jamil, 27, of Aldrich Road, Summertown, Oxford, denies five rapes, two charges of conspiracy to rape, one of arranging or facilitating child prostitution, and one of trafficking for sexual exploitation.
  • Akhtar Dogar, 32, of Tawney Street, East Oxford, denies five rapes, three charges of conspiracy to rape, two of arranging or facilitating child prostitution, and trafficking for sexual exploitation.
  • Anjum Dogar, 31, of Tawney Street, East Oxford, denies three rapes, three charges of conspiracy to rape, two of arranging or facilitating child prostitution, and trafficking for sexual exploitation.
  • Assad Hussain, 32, of Ashhurst Way, Rose Hill, Oxford, denies rape and two charges of sexual activity with a child.
  • Mohammed Karrar, 38, of Kames Close, Cowley, denies seven rapes, four charges of conspiracy to rape, two of trafficking for sexual exploitation, two of arranging or facilitating child prostitution, serious sexual assault, conspiracy to engage in sexual activity with a child, using an instrument to procure a miscarriage, and supplying a Class A drug to another.
  • Bassam Karrar, 33, of Hundred Acres Close, Cowley, denies three rapes, three charges of conspiracy to rape, two charges of arranging or facilitating child prostitution, and trafficking for sexual exploitation.
  • Mohammed Hussain, 24, of Horspath Road, Cowley, Oxford, denies three charges of sexual activity with a child.
  • Zeeshan Ahmed, 27, of Palmer Road, Wood Farm, Oxford, denies two charges of sexual activity with a child.
  • Bilal Ahmed, 26, of Suffolk Road, Maidenhead, denies sexual activity with a child.