OXFORD’S toilets will soon be in bloom thanks to a supermarket.

The Kidlington Sainsbury’s store has offered to brighten up the Market Street and Gloucester Green conveniences with a variety of fresh flowers every week.

And manager Richard Hopkins said he hoped it will help create a lasting impression on visitors to the city.

He added: “The key thing is if the public toilets are kept clean, tidy and well presented then they will leave a positive impression on those coming to Oxford.

“I returned from Dubai recently and they are very proud of the condition of their toilets, so it would be great if we could do the same. I just hope the flowers are not ruined.”

It’s the latest addition to the newly revamped lavatories which re-opened last month.

The city council is spending £450,000 bringing its 21 public toilets up to scratch.

The Oxford Mail has already agreed to supply books, and pages from its review section will be framed and put on the walls.

Features editor and Oxford’s toilet tsar Jeremy Smith welcomed the blossoming addition.

He said: “I have always loved shopping in Sainsbury’s so it doesn’t surprise me that their Kidlington store has stepped up to the plate.

“What a great, public-spirited gesture. Jamie Oliver would be proud of them.”

City Councillor (Labour) John Tanner said: “It’s bloomin’ marvellous. I’m thrilled that Sainsbury’s in Kidlington is offering to provide flowers for the newly done-up Market Street toilets in Oxford.

“We want to make Oxford’s public toilets some of the very best in the country. When retailers make a gesture like this in these difficult times it does your heart good.”

Once Gloucester Green toilets are finished in the summer the council will begin work at Cutteslowe Park. No decision has been made about which city centre toilets will be next.