THERE is, without a shadow of a doubt in my mind, a reason as to why the London Road in Headington between Green Road and Wharton Road is in such a poor state of disrepair.

The hundreds and hundreds of buses and coaches which use the road day and night are the reason.

It is easy to spot the wheel ruts and only needs a small piece of weakened Tarmac to be relentlessly pounded by sheer weight and volume of these buses and coaches to sink into a pothole.

These, in turn, fill with water and drench pedestrians.

Just take time to look at the ruts in the road surface and see which vehicles are doing the majority of the damage.

Our masters can blame the bad weather all they like, but, unless the road surface is significantly reinforced or the volume of heavy traffic is reduced, this will continue to be an ongoing problem and a waste of taxpayers’ money.

JAMES DAVIDSON Trafford Road Oxford