I HAVE been campaigning for a long time to get prohibitory signs put up at the entrances to the subways that run underneath the Headington roundabout.

There are currently blue signs in place asking cyclists to dismount.

These, according to Oxfordshire County Council, are only advisory signs and being so, the police, much to their frustration, cannot force cyclists to get off their bikes and dismount, or even fine them, as they are able to do on normal pavements.

Most cyclists ride sensibly.

However, a few idiots race through.

They put elderly folk and mothers with young children in danger, as there is nowhere to go to avoid being hit or knocked over.

I now have decided to give up, as, despite many near accidents, the council does not seem to want to do anything about this ongoing problem.

The final straw came for me when I witnessed the leader of Oxford City Council, Bob Price, cycling through the subway.

That says it all.

STUART COOPER Watermill Way Headington Oxford