MY, there does seem to be a right old rally going on between Elaine Bennett and Councillor Roy Darke.

Mr Darke does seem to take any opportunity to criticise Councillor Mick Haines. Surely, there is some code of conduct among councillors.

With reference to Old Marston Parish Council meetings, both Mary Clarkson and Mick Haines regularly attend. Mary, I understand is on the City Council Planning Committee, whereas Mick is not.

That is why any issues regarding planning in Old Marston are taken up by Mary.

I would like to point out though, that Roy Darke and Altaf Khan, both representatives for the county council on the Old Marston Parish Council, do not attend the monthly meeting.

Correction, I have been attending these meetings for a year now and I have seen Altaf Khan just once but Mr Darke never.

MICHAEL CLARKE Lewell Avenue Old Marston Oxford