I have just received my postal vote pack for the Oxfordshire County Council elections for Burford and North Carterton.

Please could somebody tell me whom I ought to vote for.

The reason I ask is that I have had no information about any of the candidates except UKIP’s Martyn Garrett – his manifesto came through my letter-box.

I would usually vote Conservative, but they have not exactly sold themselves to me. I have never heard of Neil Owen, nor what he stands for, nor any of the other candidates.

If I don’t vote and many other people stay at home in droves, I hope not to tune into the news and hear about voters’ “apathy”.

I want to vote but I would like to know who I am voting for.

Are they trying to save paper in these times of austerity by not putting out any leaflets or posters?

They could use social media. I Googled these elections to find out what these people are all about, but to no avail.

It takes me less than ten minutes to have my rant on my virtual soapbox, Facebook.

Perhaps these people could spend ten minutes doing similar?

If I do not cast my vote, it would be a waste, but I would never take a chance of voting for a waster just in case. If people want to represent my interests, I am afraid all of them, with the exception of UKIP, have fallen at the first hurdle this time around.

This is not to say I want to vote UKIP, I want to be given the choice to make my mind up, not take shots in the dark.

NEIL TRELOAR Frethern Close Burford