THE Mayor of Wallingford is marking her time in office by reinstalling the town’s missing Post Office clock.

The old timepiece in the round window of the Old Post Office in Wallingford’s Saint Martin’s Street hasn’t been seen for decades.

But before Mayor of Wallingford, Ros Lester, steps down after her year-long term next month she wants to solve the mystery of the clock.

Last weekend she unveiled a modern replacement, created by Wallingford clockmaker Chris Gamester.

She said: “It’s really lovely to have it back again. It is a beautiful clock with roman numerals which we tried to keep as authentic as possible.

“So far, people who have seen it back have been really pleased. Some never even noticed it had gone.

“We had a bit of a laugh with the town clerk and sent him into Market Place to see if he could spot what had changed.”

Mr and Mrs Lester said they noticed it missing in the late ’70s or early ’80s. The Post Office closed about 17 years ago and later turned into a restaurant called the Old Post Office.

Mayor Lester fitted the new clock with the restaurant manager’s permission.