VOLUNTEER flood wardens could act as liaisons between residents and emergency services following the problems seen in Oxfordshire late last year.

That is one of the ideas being investigated by local authorities.

In a report presented to Oxfordshire County Council’s safer and stronger communities scrutiny committee yesterday, county emergency planning officer Bethan Morgan said the role of volunteers in the community to act as points of information and intelligence – similar to flood wardens used in the past by the Environment Agency – was an area for development.

She said: “Our plan is to ask people to come forward not just for flood warden work but as general community response volunteers. But we have to define that and maintain this team of volunteers in the community.”

Susanna Pressel, who represents west central Oxford on the council, welcomed proposals for further community involvement.

She said: “Flood wardens need to respond to local knowledge – that is what has been lacking so far.

“That is why people in my area are reluctant to spend time refining their flood plan because they feel no-one will look at it.”