THE times they are a-changing.

Forty mums in Kidlington joined in an attempt to break the world record for the most cloth nappies changed across the globe in one clean sweep.

The international Great Cloth Diaper Change was part of an effort to convert more parents to using environmentally-friendly, reusable fabric pants.

Vikki Porter, 31, from Witney, was changing five-month-old Rosie Harflett.

She said: “It was really good fun, and it was nice to meet other cloth mums.”

Last year’s challenge set the record at 8,251 changes in 189 locations on four continents.

The event at the Exeter Hall in Kidlington on Saturday was also an excuse for four independent cloth nappy sellers to spread the cloth gospel.

Organiser Sally Eccleston, from Wallingford, runs The Nappy Shed.

She said: “I knew before my first daughter Georgina was born I would use cloth nappies. I didn’t want 5,000 nappies from my first child to end up in landfill.

“Then I got a pleasant surprise when I realised I was saving money.”

Mrs Eccleston, 44, says she used just 20 nappies between Georgina, 11, and her little sister Freya, eight, washing them every two or three days.

She estimates she saved £3,500 on disposable diapers.

The organisers of the Great Cloth Diaper Change hope to find out later this month whether they smashed last year’s record.