THEIR glorious chimes have rung out for more than 600 years.

But the North Moreton All Saints church bells could fall silent forever if they are not repaired.

A committee has been formed tasked with raising £50,000 so that repairs can be carried out, the first since 1905.

Currently, the bells are used occasionally for weddings, and special events, but have decayed to the point they cannot be used for much longer.

The bell frame at the Grade I listed church in Wallingford Road was built to fit six bells but only five were ever cast.

The two heaviest date from the 14th and 16th centuries, and the remaining three are not in tune.

It is hoped that the money will help tune the three lightest bells, provide new fittings, install a new rope guide and add a new treble bell.

Alarms were rung by the North Berkshire Ringing Guild which warned church members how badly the bells had worn.

Project secretary Beryl Jones said: “We didn’t know how bad it was. The guild said “you cannot let these bells fall silent forever” and that gave us a jolt. “It would be a huge shame to lose what is a wonderful piece of history for North Moreton and we really hope that people get behind us.

“We want to protect this heritage and continue to maintain our enthusiastic band of ringers of all ages and abilities.

“If we raise sufficient money we shall have a sixth bell cast. This will give more scope for method ringing and hopefully will attract more ringers. Barry Sadler has been ringing the bells at the church for the past15 years, and is the oldest senior ringer. Mr Sadler, 75 and a retired contractor surveyor, lives in Harwell and said: “The bells have been getting gradually worse, and are quite difficult to ring. “They are very well worth preserving though.”

Gift Aid forms have been sent out to residents to pledge money. Donations of £150 and above can have a message engraved on the bell.

The 14th century bell and tenor was cast in 1591 and is engraved ‘Blessed be the Name of the Lord’.

A number of fundraising events have been planned by the project team, including an introductory coffee morning in the church on May 4.

It runs from 10am until noon for people to find out about the project.

  • To find out more contact project secretary Beryl Jones on 01235 510035 or project manager Richard Lloyd on 01235 850459.


  • Treble bell: £10,200

Individual bell fittings:

  • New treble: £2,100
  • Bell 2: £2,600
  • Bell 3: £2,800
  • Bell 4: £3,000
  • Bell 5: £4,300
  • Tenor: £4,300
  • Rope guide: £2,650
  • Essential works: £18,000
    TOTAL: 49,950


Each set of bell fittings will be fitted with a plaque acknowledging the donor.