YES, it’s time for real change in Britain. We have seen so many promises go out the window by this Coalition and more U-turns than a learner driver.

We need a government who will give us back our independence, who will get us out of the EU and who will keep British taxpayers’ money in Britain instead of paying around £51m every day to the IMF and who will close the borders. Britain has had more than its quota of foreigners.

We are already over-populated – it’s a burden on our benefit system and on our NHS and we need to cut back on the amount of charity money that goes out of the country. After all, all these countries have a government and it’s up to these governments to help their own people and not to put the burden onto other countries. Perhaps after this Britain would have plenty of money to put back into building up our economy and creating more jobs. David Cameron says people on the dole don’t want to work. Well, how come when someone advertises three jobs you get 60 or more people going for these three jobs?

We need a complete change of government. If this Coalition stays in more and more of us will end up in poverty, and Ed Miliband has no idea and no direction. So I shall give my vote in the local election and the general election to UKIP.

P. HOWARD, Brome Place, Barton Estate, Headington, Oxford