When he ran the London Marathon last year, Stuart Howes’ mum Marilyn was cheering him on.

This year, he ran it in her honour.

Mr Howes, 37, from Freeman Road, Didcot, lost his mum in February this year, and then weeks later his second son Lucas was born, all while he was in training.

Then, two weeks ago while running the White Horse Half Marathon, he injured his hamstring.

He said: “It didn’t exactly go to plan.

“I had a hamstring issue at mile 17, and for the rest of the race I was walking then running.”

For this, his fifth marathon, he was hoping to finish in under three and a half hours, to beat his previous best of three hours, 37 minutes.

Instead, he came in at four hours, 30 minutes and 52 seconds.

He said: “It was quite emotional going around.

“Last year my mum was here watching me, she always supported my running.

“This year I ran it in her honour.”

His wife Charlotte and three-year-old son Jack-Ryan were cheering him on at home.