FEW people running the London Marathon will have had quite as good a reason to complete it as Steven Radley.

The 37-year-old from Witney was running in memory of his son William, who died in September 2011 just five months after being born because of heart problems.

He has raised around £7,000 for the John Radcliffe Hospital’s neonatal care unit which helped his son in his short life and completed the marathon in four hours and 49 minutes.

Mr Radley, who ran last year’s marathon, said: “They took a baby who wasn’t expected to live and helped him become strong enough for heart surgery. It feels like we owe them a debt of gratitude.

“Last year there were underlying emotions and I reached the finish line in tears but this year it wasn’t so raw.

“I got around and I was under five hours. Now I’m going to have a cup of tea.”