A CONFERENCE will discuss ways of eliminating stigma around HIV, encouraging testing and promoting positive sexual health.

Faith leaders and health professionals are being encouraged to attend the event on Saturday, May 11, by HIV and sexual health charity Terrence Higgins Trust.

According to the most recent statistics, about 450 people accessed care for HIV in Oxfordshire in 2011.

Abraham Woldegiorgis, African services development worker for Terrence Higgins Trust in Oxfordshire, said: “Faith groups can be an important source of fellowship and psychological support for many communities and have the potential to influence how people think about HIV and sexual health.

“In particular, faith groups can help to banish stigma and encourage members of their community to access sexual health services: the first steps towards driving down rates of undiagnosed and late diagnosed HIV. We welcome anyone with an interest in this area to contact us and register for what promises to be a fascinating day.”

The conference runs from 10am-3pm at Oxford Town Hall in St Aldate’s.

Register by contacting Mr Woldegiorgis on 01865 243389.

The Terrence Higgins Trust provides information and advice about HIV and sexual health and offers a range of services including sexual health checks, counselling and support groups.