THE children in our picture here celebrated St George’s Day in style.

Pupils at Speedwell School at Littlemore, Oxford, had spent weeks creating their own St George and the dragon in their classrooms.

Then the school invited an Oxford Mail photographer to show the world what they had achieved.

St George, sporting a magnificent moustache, sits proudly at the back on the left while the fierce and hungry dragon looks threatening on the right.

The children look pleased with their work – and rightly so.

St George was made by Joan Maples’s class, while the dragon was completed by children taught by Carole Mason.

Our sister paper, The Oxford Times, reported: “A confrontation was arranged in the school hall with some difficulty because the dragon is 7ft high and 8ft long, slightly bigger than the average primary school door.”

After celebrating St George’s Day, the school faced another problem – what to do with the models.

Mrs Mason appealed to readers to come forward with suggestions. “Any ideas will be gratefully received and carefully considered,” she said.

Does anyone know what happened to St George and the dragon?
