WHEN Leanne Jeneson was admitted to hospital at seven months’ pregnant it didn’t enter her mind that she would leave without her baby.

Her pregnancy had been straightforward and she and partner Stephen Thompson, 30, were excitedly awaiting the birth of their first child.

But at 32 weeks she was admitted to hospital with pre-eclampsia and just five days later suffered complications and baby Stanley was starved of oxygen. Sadly he was delivered stillborn after an emergency caesarean.

Miss Jeneson, 27, a recruitment consultant, said initially staff at Oxford’s John Radcliffe Hospital kept her condition under control with medication.

But on Friday, November 16, she woke feeling unwell and tests showed her baby’s heart rate was low and a decision was made to perform an emergency C-section.

She said: “They put me to sleep and when I woke up my lovely partner was sat next to me and he said it’s just us.

“It was devastating, the most horrendous day of my life. When it’s your first baby you expect so much, you don’t hear of things like this happening.

“Even when they were putting me to sleep it didn’t even cross my mind that I would wake up and he would be gone.”

During the hours and days after their devastating loss, they were supported by charity Oxfordshire Sands (Stillbirth and Neonatal Death).

Volunteers from the charity arranged to take photographs of Stanley and prints of his little hands and feet for a memory box.

Miss Jeneson said: “We didn’t think of taking pictures or hand and foot prints. The whole day to me is a massive blur.

“If it was not forthe support of Oxfordshire Sands I would not have half of what I have now for my memories.”

Six months on the couple have both returned to work, but there is still a huge gap in their lives.

Miss Jeneson, of West Hawthorn Road, Ambrosden, Bicester, said: “We do miss him terribly and wish he was here everyday of our lives.”

Now the couple want to give something back to the charity that helped them create precious memories of their tiny tot.

Supported by Miss Jeneson’s employer K2 Recruitment, in London Road, Bicester, they have organised an online auction, which runs from April 30 to June 16.

Among the lots up for grabs are designer watches, a spa day for two, a wet cut from a hairsalon, homemade cupcakes and ski accommodation for 10 at a boutique chalet in Morzine, France.

Their target is £2,640 for a sofa, made of a special fabric, for the Ashfield bereavement suite at the JR.