A CAMPAIGN to clamp down on inappropriate parking in Marston, Oxford, is gathering pace.

More than 600 people have signed a petition calling for action from Oxfordshire County Council, Oxford Brookes University and the John Radcliffe Hospital.

Residents claim students from Brookes and staff from the JR are clogging up their streets, sometimes blocking their drives.

Retired university worker Malcolm Kitching, 72, of Lewell Avenue, said: “The roads around here were built in the 1950s when the buses and cars were thinner. They just can’t cope.

“On Oxford Road, the buses can’t get through, the cars can’t get through, it’s an absolute nightmare. It’s mainly the Brookes students. If I go out at 10am and come back half an hour later, half the time I can’t park near my house.

“I’ve got a drive and a white line across it which I had to pay £55 for, and they still park in front of it.” Marston city councillor Mick Haines, 72, is compiling the petition.

He said: “It’s absolutely terrible and it’s been going on for years.

“It needs to be sorted out once and for all. I think the answer is more parking at Brookes and the JR, and restricted parking around here for two hours.”

Oxford University Hospitals Trust spokesman Kelly Dodgson said: “The trust works closely with the city and county councils to balance the needs to patients, visitors and staff to access our hospitals.

“We encourage our staff to consider alternatives to arriving by car, where possible. We offer incentives such as discounts on bus passes and the purchasing of bicycles, to play our part in reducing traffic and the effects it has on our neighbouring residents.”

Oxfordshire County Council spokesman Martin Crabtree said: “The county council is aware that parts of Marston do suffer from parking by non-residents. Some restrictions have been introduced in key hotspots.

“We have had informal discussions with the parish council and would look at whether any local parking restrictions would be possible or effective.

“However, there may be steps that the hospital and university could take to alleviate some of the problems residents are experiencing.

“There are no current plans for a controlled parking zone.”

Oxford Brookes spokesman Matthew Butler said the university encouraged students and staff to use public or alternative transport including the BrookesBus service.

He added: “Where we can identify car owners parking inconsiderately, we contact them and ask them to move their vehicle. We have also specifically been in touch with students at our Marston Road site asking them not to travel to lectures by car.”