TWO people have been killed and 49 people injured - including six critically - following explosions near the finish line of today's Boston Marathon.

A third explosion has happened at the city's JFK Library, police have said, although it is not known if it was connected to the other two detonations.

Police in the UK are now reported to be reviewing security arrangements for this weekend's London Marathon.

Chief Superintendent Julia Pendry, of the Met Police, the event commander for the event in the capital, said security arrangements will be reviewed following the explosions in Massachusetts.

She said: "A security plan is in place for the London Marathon. We will be reviewing our security arrangements in partnership with London Marathon."

The explosions near the finishing line came 4hr and 9 mins after the race started. Lelisa Desisa of Ethiopa won the men's race with Rita Jeptoo winning the women's.

A statement from the organisers on via Facebook read: "There were two bombs that exploded near the finish line in today's Boston Marathon. We are working with law enforcement to understand what exactly has happened."

The race - the world's oldest annual marathon - is held each year on Patriot's Day. The popular event attracts huge numbers of spectators and this year's race had around 25,000 registered entrants, with the official website listing 374 competitors from the United Kingdom.

The explosion took place as runners were still on the course, with those yet to reach the finish being held by police around the 26-mile mark. A Foreign Office spokesman pledged to look into the incident.

"We are aware of the incident and we are trying to gather information," said a spokesman, while Foreign Secretary William Hague Tweeted to say: "Appalled by news of explosion at Boston marathon. My thoughts are with everyone affected by it and all those waiting for news."

Television pictures showed bloodied spectators and runners lying on the ground, emergency workers ripping away fencing and others carrying injured men and women from the scene.

Pictures also emerged on Twitter showing casualties lying on the pavement on Boylston Street - the main road through the east coast city - and debris blowing around them. Another photograph appeared to show participants running down the street at the moment an explosion created a fireball, sending smoke into the air.

UK Athletics confirmed to Press Association Sport that none of their elite runners had taken part and added that Ross Murray, who ran Sunday's one mile invitational was "absolutely fine", and the 22-year-old Tweeted: "Just so everyone knows, I'm ok and well , wasn't around the bombs. Xx"

Tatyana McFadden, who won three golds in London Paralympics, won the women's wheelchair race and later Tweeted: "I'm am okay my family and teammates are okay. Please please pray for those who were running and got hit by the bomb. Pray 4 family's-friends."

Runner Darren Foy, 40, from Southampton and his wife Sandra and their two children missed the explosions by just 30 minutes after he finished the marathon in three and half hours.

Speaking from the city, the chartered surveyor said: "We were on our way home when we heard something had happened and I was getting messages like 'are you Ok?' which I never get. It's all quite shocking really.

"We got home and we looked at the BBC online and saw there had been explosions but we are OK because I finished in three and a half hours and we were on the bus when it happened.

"We are staying five miles outside and I'm not intending to go back into the city for a few days."

Mr Foy, who is chairman of the Lordshill Road Runners in Southampton and was competing in his fourth marathon, added: "There are reports here that the explosions came from a hotel at the finish line and I walked past there a few days ago to pick up my race number.

"It's such a soft target. There are hundreds of thousands spectators on the streets and 27,000 runners, so we got off lightly."

  • If you have any friends or relatives competing at the marathon, call our Newsdesk on 01865 425500 or email us