LONDON Welsh have given a strong indication that they will not play in Oxford next season.

The Exiles’ chairman Bleddyn Phillips says Kassam Stadium rents make it “financially imprudent” for the club to remain in the city for 2013/14.

Welsh, who also confirmed that chief excecutive Tony Copsey has resigned, were relegated from the Aviva Premiership after losing to Northampton on Sunday.

Phillips has not confirmed whether Welsh will continue to play in Oxford as a Championship club, but his statement makes it seem more likely they will return to Old Deer Park, Richmond.

He said: “We are not now obligated to stay at the Kassam and certainly the present rental charges would be prohibitive and render it financially imprudent to continue there.

“All that can be said for the moment is that we are considering all options and will come to as early a decision as possible having taken soundings from all our stakeholders.”

Copsey said: “I’m obviously very disappointed to be stepping down as the CEO of London Welsh, but given the situation I did not feel carrying on in my current capacity was the best for me or the club.

In his statement Phillips also praised the Exiles’ players and coaches “for what has been nothing short of a monumental and heroic effort this season”.

Phillip added his thanks to Welsh’s old and new fans and stressed the club have had to battle against low budgets and minimal preparation time.