LITTLE Bea Bowie dressed up as nursery rhyme favourite The Fine Lady Upon a White Horse to help raise cash for her village school.

The four-year-old was one of hundreds of people who got on their bikes to help raise cash for a charities close to their heart.

About 310 riders, including 40 children, took part in one of three circuits in the second Islip Big Bike Ride yesterday.

The first saw 210 cyclists leave Westminster Abbey at 9.30am to bike 65 miles back to Islip, including 11-year-old Inigo King, from Woodeaton. A shorter ride saw 60 cyclists ride 18 miles to the village from Thame.

About 40 children, including Bea, decorated bikes and trikes for a fun ride along Church Lane. She said: “It was fun going up the hill. I did notice I seemed to be the only one without stabilisers.”

Cash from entry fees was donated to Dr South’s Primary School and St Nicholas Church in the village. Riders also raised cash for their favourite charity or project.

The first man over the finish line from London to Islip was David Watkinson from Oxford, and the first woman was Sarah Darby, from Bampton.

Inigo was the only child to take part in the London to Islip ride, completing it in five hours.