Given that all hedgerow and tree-cutting operations are discouraged between March 1 and July 31 by law to protect nesting birds, I noticed with some horror this week that our city council tree team are pollarding the willows growing along the river bank on the Botley Road allotment site.

I am sure the Environment Agency will be delighted (and rightfully so) the large willows which overhang the river have been brought into check; and as an allotment holder myself, I am sure some members will be equally pleased.

Whilst pollarding is an excellent and appropriate management technique for willows, surely it is not wise (or even good practice) to destroy all the habitat for the coming year?

Even if there were no birds currently nesting, as the officer responsible has assured me, I can report that he is personally of the opinion that no bird in its right mind would choose to nest in a pollarded willow.

Perhaps ornithologically-informed readers might assist in providing the council with a list of bird species that are likely to exhibit such poor judgement as to do so. Beverley Lear, Oxford