I WANT to question why a person can hold a city and county councillor position at the same time (April 6).

A small band of councillors wielding so much power enables them to ignore the electorate’s wishes and concerns. There is no transparency in decision-making.

Britain criticises dictatorship in other countries when it is rife here. When challenged, the powers-that-be are allowed to get away with it.

Conflicts of interest arise because, to be able to live in Oxford/Oxfordshire, they are financially propped up by their family or political party or hold a high-up position where they draw a large wage for little input.

Councillors’ allowance is low – county £8,295 per year and city approximately £4,000 per year – and claiming for expenses must be time-consuming and expensive for the accounts department.

There is apathy in the electorate. People abstain or vote on the party values of a bygone era. Unfortunately the skills and quality of folk such as Nye Bevan (Labour), who founded the National Health Service, no longer exist!

Many residents possess a wealth of knowledge of local geography and history, care for people and would welcome the opportunity to be a councillor. However, this opportunity is denied them, mainly due to financial reasons – many have to work long hours and they also have family commitments.

This seriously affects the quality and diversity of candidates applying.

Perhaps there should be a higher allowance set, or possibly job share. Stop double councillorship!

Enable candidates who are able to listen, understand and act impartially.

ELAINE BENNETT, Marston Road, Marston